The exchange rate of the dollar, euro, oil, bitcoin online and all CB exchange rates
A very easy extension in a minimalist design shows the dollar, euro, brent price, bitcoin, gold online and the Central Bank's exchange rates for all currencies on the last or any custom date. Learn the dollar rate and rates of other currencies. Clicking opens a window with more similar information about all the courses.
Main features:
- select any currency whose rate will be displayed in the expansion icon
- Select currencies to display in the pop-up window
- copying the full course (4 digits after the comma) to the clipboard by clicking on the currency
- showing the CBR exchange rate for a given date
- Currency Converter
- selection of the update interval
- an interactive schedule with the possibility of switching it off
Data from the sites cbr.ru, yahoo.finance. Output trading dynamics on the chart (the engine tradingview.com). ATTENTION! Quotations on the chart do not always exactly match the quotes in the expansion, because The schedule is updated every second, while the quotes are displayed in the window at a specific time when you opened the window. And as well as using data from different exchanges.
Live USD / RUB, EUR / RUB, Bitcoin / USD forex rates, Brent Oil, Gold and Central Bank Russia rates. Data source: cbr.ru, yahoo.finance and Yandex.Quotes. Currency calculator. Graph tradingview.com